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Ways to Prevent Legionnaires’ Disease in Cooling Towers | Pinnacle CTS

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Legionella is the type of bacteria that causes Legionnaires’ disease. You’ll find Legionella in many different types of freshwater environments, such as lakes and streams. Still, it typically only becomes a health hazard when it grows and spreads in man-made water systems. This can include hot tubs that aren’t maintained properly, showerheads and faucets that are not regularly cleaned, hot water tanks, and cooling towers.

Why Are Cooling Towers at Risk?

Cooling tower systems are especially prone to Legionella contamination, and it’s unlikely that you’d be able to prevent the bacteria from ever entering the cooling tower system. However, with the proper cooling tower cleaning and maintenance, you can ensure that rampant infection doesn’t become a problem.

Towers are especially at risk because of the pools of warm water that are exposed to the elements. Regular cooling tower disinfection and cleaning can ensure that Legionella does not become a problem.

A person can become infected with Legionnaires’ disease by breathing in infected droplets. Legionnaires’ disease is a serious type of pneumonia that can be life-threatening. There is also a less serious form of Legionnaires’ disease known as Pontiac fever.

How Can You Prevent Legionella in Cooling Towers?

There are several steps you can take to prevent Legionella growth and spread in your cooling towers, all of which concern providing proper cooling tower maintenance. Some of the steps you should take include:

  • Check water quality. Ensure that water used for your cooling tower comes from a municipal supply. Sometimes, a municipal supply can come from a holding tank, which can contaminate the water with rust or sediment, which can contribute to bacteria growth. If your water is being sourced naturally, such as from a lake or reservoir, you may want to rethink your sourcing, as this water could be full of bacteria.
  • Clean and disinfect the tower. The entire water tower should be cleaned and disinfected twice per year. If you’re sourcing water naturally, you should also use a microbial treatment in addition to cleaning and disinfecting.
  • Design your system for free flow of water. Sometimes flow velocities and temperature can vary, which can contribute to bacteria. The system should be designed so this doesn’t occur; if this is unavoidable, regular Legionella testing should be performed to ensure water quality.
  • Disinfect regularly. Vary your disinfectants between two non-oxidizing biocides or alternate a non-oxidizing antimicrobial and an oxidizing antimicrobial.
  • Use detergent for biofilm. Use an appropriate detergent or dispersant to fight against biofilm.
  • Perform regular inspections. Inspect the cooling towers, especially the drift eliminators, every six months to make sure there are no gaps.

With regular Legionella testing and proper cooling tower maintenance, you can ensure that the bacteria doesn’t spread and fight against the spread of Legionnaires’ disease.

For more information about cooling tower installation, repair, or maintenance in New Jersey, contact us at 732-570-9392 today to find out how we can help.

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To learn more about cooling tower maintenance or to find out how we can help when it comes to routine cooling tower service and maintenance, contact Pinnacle Cooling Tower Service today at 732-570-9392. Our primary goals are safety, service, and customer satisfaction.