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Cooling Tower Repairs vs Replacement: What’s the Better Option?

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Did you know there are more cooling towers in the United States than elevators? There are an estimated 2 million throughout the country, spanning across numerous industries. Most buildings that have a cooling tower use them daily, so this can take quite a toll on the mechanical parts. Cooling tower repairs are common – and can be quite costly.

Cooling towers aren’t cheap to maintain, either. It costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep up with regular water treatments, plus the additional energy costs to keep the tower running. Thankfully preventative maintenance can help you avoid sudden mechanical issues, but eventually, issues will arise.

However, if your cooling tower keeps giving you issues, you may be considering going with a full-on replacement. Both cooling tower repair and replacement costs are incredibly high – so how do you know which is the better option?

1. Consider the Cost of Replacement vs Repairs

The cost of cooling tower repair is generally going to be lower than a total replacement. The price of fully rebuilding a cooling tower ranges depending on the size and location. But most cooling tower replacement services will quote you well over $100,000 for the entire project.

But there are additional costs that may be added to the replacement. This includes:

  • Any electrical work
  • Disposal fees
  • Crane rentals
  • Additional labor costs

Just the specialized construction equipment rental can cost a thousand dollars a day! Further, consider the downtime costs. You may need to shut down your business for several days or even weeks while the project goes on.

Repair prices range depending on the scope of the project, but a single-part repair is going to be less expensive than a replacement. It is recommended that if the repair cost is under 60% of the total price of a new unit, it is better to go ahead with a cooling tower repair over a replacement.

2. Most Common Cooling Tower Issues can be Corrected

Some of the issues that arise can be corrected with a professional cooling tower repair service. Certain parts will just wear down with time, excessive use, or just due to the quality of the part itself.

One common cooling tower issue is fouling, which happens when the fill starts to clog up. This usually happens when there is too much debris in the water, often indicating a microbial imbalance. This can also be caused by an issue with the heat exchanger not working properly, leading to a biofilm formation.

The best correction here is to drain the tower, clean it, check on the heat exchanger, and add in water treatment.

Other issues related to mechanical parts can also be corrected by repairing or replacing just that part. This is just another reason why conducting the OSHA-recommended biannual inspections is so important. During this time, inspectors will note signs of mechanical breakdown, like unusual noises or vibrations during operation.

3. Investing in Your Cooling Tower can Help You Avoid
a Full Replacement

The best method to avoid both expensive cooling tower repairs and a full replacement is prevention. Paying for routine preventative maintenance can also make a huge impact on the longevity of your cooling tower. This will include a thorough cleaning, inspection, and water treatment.

Next, consider investing in system upgrades to support the efficiency and operations of your cooling tower. This includes fill system replacement, thermal performance upgrades, or a distribution box replacement.

A wooden or metal cooling tower should last you for about 20 years. Cooling towers made from ceramic materials will last a bit longer – up to 34 on average. Updating some parts can make it last even longer.

However, there will inevitably come a time when you cannot avoid a cooling tower replacement. It’s like taking care of a car; you can keep replacing parts, but eventually, it becomes more expensive than just scrapping it and buying a new one.

In this case, you’ll need a cooling tower specialist you can trust to provide you with an honest opinion and accurate estimate. Sadly, some cooling tower replacement companies will push you into a replacement when you don’t necessarily need it. Make sure you go with a service provider you can trust with a fair offer.

In Need of Cooling Tower Repair or
Replacement Advice?

Don’t put off cooling tower issues for too long. The minute you notice any changes in the efficiency or operations of your system, you should hire a cooling tower maintenance and repair service to take a look.

Of course, most businesses would prefer to do all they can to repair and maintain their cooling tower before replacing them. Replacements are occasionally necessary, but in some cases, just repairs can help to get your cooling tower running again.

Contact us

If you need a cooling tower repair or want advice on whether it’s time for a full replacement, you can count on Pinnacle CTS. We service the New York City and greater New Jersey area and our team is available around the clock. Give us a call today at 732-570-9392 or reach out online.