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Understanding the Different Types of Cooling Towers and How Each One Operates

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Cooling towers are utilized mainly in large, industrial environments when it’s necessary to eliminate the excess warmth from water used in the operations within the plant or factory. Because cooling towers are used over many different industries and have specialized uses, there are varied types of cooling towers used to perform this general function. Before reviewing the different cooling towers, it’s vital to understand their primary function and how cooling towers work.


What Are Cooling Towers and How Do Cooling Towers Work?

A cooling tower can be described in several different ways. It is sometimes referred to as a heat rejection device or a heat exchange device. No matter what type of cooling tower you’re using in your industry, every cooling tower brings air and water together with the primary function of lowering the temperature of the water. During this process, a small amount of water evaporates, which lowers the overall temperature that circulates throughout the tower.


In a cooling tower, water is heated industrially or in an air-conditioning compressor, then routed through the cooling tower via pipes. The water is sprayed onto the fill within the tower, exposing the water to air, which helps evaporate some of the water, cooling it. In rudimentary terms, this is how a cooling tower works.


What Different Types of Cooling Tower Systems Are There?

Because cooling towers are used differently in different industries, there are several types of cooling tower systems that function differently. Most cooling towers are defined by how they allow air to pass through them. The most common types of cooling towers include:


  • Crossflow cooling towers. A crossflow tower allows an inflow of air to move horizontally from the upper reservoirs. These are the most expensive cooling tower systems to install, but the easiest and most inexpensive to maintain.
  • Counterflow cooling towers. A counterflow tower allows an inflow of air to travel vertically from the reservoirs above. They are smaller than crossflow towers and require a fair amount of energy to operate.
  • Hyperbolic cooling towers. These cooling towers utilize a chimney stacking technique that allows outside, cool air to push warmer air inside the tower.
  • Induced draft cooling towers. This cooling tower uses mechanical pressure, such as a fan, to forcibly push air upward through the tower.
  • Passive draft cooling tower. A passive draft cooling tower combines either a counterflow or crossflow design along with a steep chimney architecture to create upward, warm air.


If you’d like more information on different cooling towers, or you need estimates on cooling tower preventive maintenance or repair, contact us today at 732-570-9392 to find out how we can help.


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To learn more about cooling tower maintenance or to find out how we can help when it comes to routine cooling tower service and maintenance, contact Pinnacle Cooling Tower Service today at 732-570-9392. Our primary goals are safety, service, and customer satisfaction.