Now Offering a Broad Array of NYC Cooling Tower Compliance Services


Cooling Tower Services

If you have cooling towers on site that are no longer functional and need to be removed, particularly if they are very large, you may be considering cooling tower demolition in NJ. Of course, this is something that must be completed by an experienced professional, and an event that takes great care, planning, and effort.


Cooling Tower Demolition

What Is a Cooling Tower Demolition and How to Effectively Do It?

You need a cooling tower demolition when your cooling towers are no longer functional and are no longer an integral part of your system. If they have failed to work and upgrading or refurbishing is not an option, then you will need a new cooling tower install once the old cooling towers have been removed. For larger cooling towers, one of the best ways to remove them is through a cooling tower implosion. This is a controlled demolition that is performed by someone in the demolition industry, particularly someone familiar with the structure of cooling towers.

It is called implosion because, essentially, the building implodes on top of itself using a series of small explosions that are set from inside, usually with explosives such as nitroglycerin or dynamite.


What Is a Cooling Tower Installation and How to Do it Properly?

Once the debris has been cleared from the demolition site, you can begin to prepare for building cooling towers in the same spot. Modern cooling tower design is more efficient and can allow cooling at a lower cost. You may decide on a different type of tower than you have previously, as there are several different types available. A professional who’s familiar with cooling tower design can help you decide on which is best for your commercial space. Different types include:

  • Natural draft cooling tower: This type uses air circulated through the tower, which is then cooled.
  • Crossflow cooling tower: In a crossflow tower, air flows horizontally through the tower, but it can freeze inside the tower.
  • Mechanical draft cooling tower: This is similar to a natural draft tower, but instead uses fans and other mechanical components to circulate the air, which is highly efficient.
  • Counterflow cooling tower: The counterflow tower pushes air upward. These towers are small and compact, and are better for smaller systems, but are extremely efficient.

When a cooling tower is installed, the components are first installed, followed by the water distribution device. The ventilation equipment is then installed, followed by a drift eliminator. Components of each particular section are installed along the way as well.


If you are interested in cooling tower demolition and installation or need a new cooling tower installed, contact Pinnacle CTS at 732-570-9392 to learn about all our options when it comes to cooling tower installation in New Jersey and demolition.


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